Info corso

crediti ECM
on-line fino al martedì 01/03/2022 23:59
Codice ECM

Medico chirurgo: Cardiologia; Cardiochirurgia; Medicina Interna; Medicina Generale (medici di famiglia); Radiodiagnostica; Genetica Medica; Anestesia e Rianimazione; Igiene, Epidemiologia e Sanità Pubblica; Chirurgia Toracica; Chirurgia Vascolare
Infermiere; Tecnico della Fisiopatologia Cardiocircolatoria e Perfusione Cardiovascolare; Tecnico Sanitario di Radiologia Medica

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Programma del corso

8:30Apertura Segreteria

9:00Introduzione del Corso
Alberto Albertini
Claudio Rapezzi

9:20The spectrum of aorta and aortic valve diseases in the young
Gaetano Thiene

9:40Natural histories of bicuspid aortic valve
Claudio Rapezzi

10:00Genetics of aortic diseases: work in progress
Guglielmina Pepe
Discussion with Marco Marconi, Paolo Ortolani

10:20Anatomy and pathology of the aorta. What cardiologists and cardiac surgeons cannot ignore
Ornella Leone

10:40Defining mechanisms and progression of aortic valve insufficiency in tricuspid and bicuspid valves
Ruggero De Paulis

11:00Integrated imaging of the aortic valve and of the aorta
Angelo Squeri
Discussion with Marcello Galvani, Andrea Rubboli

11:20Coffee Break

11:30New ESC/EACTS guidelines on the treatment of aortic valve disease with particular focus on young adults
Marco Solinas

11:50Mechanical aortic valve prosthesis in young adults: is it still a real therapeutic option despite guidelines?
Francesco Santini

12:10The new generation aortic valve bioprostheses, evidences and perspectives
Gino Gerosa
Discussion with Alberto Tripodi, Giuseppe Speziale


14:00Aortic valve repair: when and how
Claudio Muneretto

14:20The aortic valve reconstruction with the Ozaki technique: the game changer?
Alberto Albertini

14:40The Ross procedure: what are the limitations? Is it time for a hard look at current practices?
Domenico Paparella
Discussion with Giancarlo Piovaccari, Enrico Coscioni

15:00Final remarks
Alberto Albertini, Claudio Rapezzi

Presentazione del corso

Aortic valve pathology in the age group between 18 and 65 years represents 20% of the total aortic valvulopathies, in this age group congenital and genetic aspects prevail over purely degenerative ones. The ideal aortic valve substitute for young adults requiring aortic valve replacement remains elusive.

Young and middle-aged patients have a longer anticipated life expectancy and a higher level of physical activity than their elderly counterparts. In recent years, there has been a growing focus on long-term outcomes following aortic valve replacement in this specific patient population.

The direct impact of the choice of prosthesis on long-term survival, quality of life and rates of valve-related complications in younger adults is still controversial. Although conventional aortic valve replacement using a biological or mechanical prosthesis significantly improve the natural history of the disease, in this scenario there are aspects that need to be explored in light of the latest knowledge on young’s aortic valve and aorta diseases and of the latest technical innovations on their treatment.

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